We have been awarded the Healthy Future-UvA Seed Grant!

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has announced that they have awarded one of their Healthy Future Seed Grants 2024 to Stefano Trebeschi, one of our postdoctoral researchers. His project proposal, in collaboration with Illaa Smesseim, Vera Keil and Manon S. Parry, named Rethinking RECIST – Exploring the Origins, Impact, and Future of Modern Response Criteria in Cancer Trials, aims to explore the origins of the cancer treatments response criteria gold standard, tracing their evolution from pre-1970s methodologies to their current form.
Healthy Future Seed Grant projects bring together UvA researchers from different faculties to work on small-scale, innovative, interfaculty research projects or the preparation of grant proposals.
If you want to know more about the project, please visit this page.